Monday, 26 August 2013

Beauty Blogger Tag

Heeey, so i thought today i'd do a beauty tag - why not eh?! I wasn't tagged but i like these kind of posts :)

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally straight, even when i curl my hair i have to have a lot of hairspray in it to hold it else they just fall out throughout the day.

2. What is your natural hair colour?
When i was little it was blonde blonde like almost white! then as i've gotten older it's gone darker. In the summer my hair goes really blonde and looks like i have highlights, but i've never dyed or had highlights. It's all au natural. The underside of my hair is more like a brown colour though which irritates me because I'm too pale to have brown hair!

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I've never dyed my hair :)

4. How often do you wash your hair?
I wash my hair every morning, very occasionally i might leave it for a day and i know it's good to leave your hair for the oils and that but i just prefer to wash it daily.

5. Do you wear the same hairstyle everyday or change it up?
I like to wear my hair differently if i can, most of the time i have it up someway or another because i prefer it being out my face and also because my hair's fine as soon as the wind even looks at it, it goes out of shape and gets a kink in it.

6. Do you do your own nails or go to a salon?
I always do my own nails, i've never been to a salon to have them done because i own so many nail polish's i might aswell do them myself and i like experimenting.

7. How often do you change your nail polish?
Probably once a week, i would like it to be more regular but my nails would be ruined if i did that! i can't stand polish on my nails once it starts to chip though and every now and then i'll go a week or two with no nail polish to let them breath.

8. Do you always wear nail varnish on your toes?
Nope i actually hardly wear polish on my toes.

9. How long does it take to put your make up on?
About 10 minutes?! Each day i put on a base layer of foundation really thinly then leave it whilst i have my breakfast and then go over everything - i feel like it's more in place that way. I take longer if i'm going out or wearing eyeshadow etc.

10. What do you do first, your face or your eyes?
Always do my face first and leave my eyes till last.

11. Do you collect make up or buy it when you need to?
I tend to buy it when needed though i have a collection of eyeshadow from over the years which i should really get rid of. I don't like to cake my face in loads of stuff.

12. How often do you wear fake eyelashes?
I've actually never worn fake eyelashes, something about them doesn't appeal to me :/

13. Do you wear a full face of make up everyday?
Everyday i always wear foundation and mascara at least.

14. Do you wear make up just around the house?
Most of the time yes, very rarely i don't, i've just got used to it being part of my everyday routine.

15. Will you leave your house without make up on?
Very very rarely - like once in a blue moon and only if i'm going out and staying in the car.

16. How many high end products do you own? 
Almost all of my products are from high street shops and from Boots or Superdrug because they are cheap and work well for what i want to use them for and it's easy to pop in there as it's 30 seconds away from where i work but i'd say about 1/4 of my nail polish is OPI or China Glaze if that counts?

17. How often do you wash your make up brushes?
Well its rare that i wear eyeshadow and i use my fingers to apply my foundation so the answer to this is only when i've worn eyeshadow. Though i have loads of eyeshadow brushes so i usually just use a new one anyway.

18. Do you plan what you will wear the next day, or when you're getting dressed?
I usually plan what I'm going to wear the weekend on a Thursday evening because i usually stop at Glens so i take my clothes to work then go straight to his house. In the week i leave it until the morning and then do the 24 hour weather to see how cold/warm it's going to be.

19. How often do you change your handbag?
I have 3 main handbags that i use and hcange them around about every 2-3 weeks. This usually depends on what book i'm currently reading and if i can fit it in my handbag to take to work.

20. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
On a weekday i get up at 6:15am (tell me about it!) and go to bed at about 10pm; on a weekend i get up about 8:30am and go to sleep about 11pm. I'm one of these people who has to have sleep, i get so tired really early in the evening and i just hit a wall and just get really grouchy till i can go to sleep.

21. How often and when do you workout?
HA! never is my answer - i like to think that when i have my own house i'll go to a gym but honestly i'm doubtful this will happen. I don't like the thought of paying to get fit and especially coz these gyms are so expensive. OCCASIONALLY i'll use my hoola hoop for half an hour but then i get bored.

22. Left or Right handed?
Right but i do quite a lot with my left.

23. How tall are you?
5" - I'm tiny!

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
Nope, me and my sister occasionally say German phrases to each other though

25. How many pets do you have?
Just the 1, little Parsnip :) aint he adorable!

26. How often are you on blogger?
I come on blogger once a day or once every 2 days just to have a nose at what's going on.

27. Do you read the comments posted?
Yep every single one - i get really excited lol. i do try and reply to them but i'm usually at work so forget by the time i've got home but i really appreciate them.

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yepp, i have a list on my iphone but to be honest they don't usually make the list because i either order it online straight away or go shopping the next day. I don't like feeling like i'm missing out on something.

If any of you do this tag then please link it below, i'd love to have a look!

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