Everyone needs a notebook (or two!)
I love having different notebooks for different things; i don't want to be using my fancy one for shopping lists and i want to keep my memories written in a safe place!
Firstly this one above, i like using this for writing down like order numbers and wish lists (like for christmas) and ideas of what to get everyone else for Christmas.
I hate to say that i've really slacked using the above Q&A a day for 5 years, at first i used it every day but i just forget about it now but it really is something great to do if you have the motivation.
Next up is this book (which i showed here) which i have also slacked on writing in but it is such a great idea and in years to come i can't wait to read it. They also do this range for family members etc which is a great idea for a Christmas present; i got my Grandad one and it just asks so many questions that you'll have the answers for forever.
This is my everyday notebook for all the everyday essentials.
And this one is my favourite notebook of all where i keep everything special in it. I keep conversion charts and maps and just general useful stuff in the front and the rest is for lists; books i've read, important things that have happened, names i like for if i have children, wish lists etc.
It is such lovely quality and somewhere that i can write everything special in.
I love collecting notebooks but I really hate writing in most of them - I just think they're too pretty! I like how you have some that have specific purposes though, it makes it easier to use!
I like keeping a few notebooks for different things also :) lovely post :)