The other day whilst noseying through blogs i read a post about a wonderful website called dot com gift shop. I was amazed by it and didn't recall coming across this website before ( i later found out i had it bookmarked but had forgotten all about it.
Browsing through the website i didn't know where to start as they have some wonderful gifts and decorations. What i loved most of all was the vintage toys and games they sell. These days buying for children is quite hard because of all the expensive gadgets out to try and compete with so i thought these were a brilliant alternative that will bring back childhood memories.
Vintage toys for girls
3. ♥ Flower Pressing Kit
For some reason i found looking for boys things much easier even though i have no brothers so have not had boys toys in my house.
Vintage toys for boys
1. ♥ Catch Ball Game
2. ♥ Catapult Toy
Personally i would have loved any of these toys so they're great for girls too if they would like these kind of presents. I'm sure the catapult could cause so many laughs and they come with foam balls so there would be no tears on Christmas day either!
I'm sure many children would never have come across these games before so they would be amazed to get them out and play with them!
I love the vintage tea party set, it is so gorgeous!