Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Very inspiring blog award 2013

Firstly, a HUGE thanks to the lovely Talia at Talia--ox! she nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog award which i am very grateful for. You should all go and check out her blog, i've been following her for a while and she has great posts that always suck me into reading them.

Here's the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and like back to them in your post
  • Share 7 interesting things about yourself
  • Nominate 7 blogs that you admire
  • Comment on each persons blog to let them know that you nominated them :)
Ok, so...

7 interesting things about me (this is quite hard to think of another 7 new things considering i only just did the '25 things about me' post)

  • I've never had a cigarette, and intend to keep it that way
  • I once broke/fractured my collar bone when i was on holiday when i was about 7. went to 3 doctors/hospitals and they couldn't decide which it was
  • When i was on holiday when i was little i told my mom i didn't want to wear nappies anymore, my mom was obviously worried i was going to wet myself in the night...but i didn't and never wore nappies again
  • When i was on holiday (another time) i learnt to walk
  • I am rubbish at staying awake late. Anything after 11pm and i just get tired and miserable
  • I hate not being organised and get really stressed when things aren't done
  • I like to plan things and have a routine, i get a bit paniky when something crops up and disturbs my plans

7 blog's I'm nominating are:




  1. Lovey post! Congrats on the award :)

    Kimberley x (Check out out International MUA and Soap and Glory Giveaway)

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination :)

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination, Lauren! Seriously so flattered! :)

  4. This was a great read, I hate not being organised too!

    Jennie xo |
